Monday, August 25, 2008


If I take enough pictures do you think I'll remember...
The way Tavis randomly breaks out in laugher
The way Laila puckers her lips up to her nose in Mr. Sour Face manor
The way Kaden used to always call the Bishop the 'Bush-up'
The way they all nuzzled there little heads into the craddle from my neck to my shoulder... when they've grown I think that spot will feel so empty!
Will I remember the softness of Kaden's nose when he gave me all those Eskimo kisses
The way Tavis would snuggle up to me and rub my ear and suck his finger till he fell asleep
The way Laila trills and waves and claps her tiny little hands
The way their breath smells when they have a fever
The way Tavis calls everyone Anna
The way Laila climbs into the kitchen drawer and looks at me, eyes twinkling, so proud of herself
The way Kaden greets me when I come home from work in the morning, "Mommy!"
Oh they grow so fast and I have so little time I hope I can remember... The feelings and stories that go with each mental picture!


The Blaisdell Family said...

I've thought a lot lately about stuff like that. Probably because Josh started school. But just looking back at when Josh was 1 or 2 or 3, I forget how small he use to be. I really need to get more videos of the kids. I have a ton of pictures, but how sweet will it be to hear their cute little voices years down the road!!

Brenda E said...

I love the little cowpoke. He's adorable. They definetly grow up fast.

Marisa said...

This little cowpoke by the way is Kaden at six months!!! I try to video the kids also but sometimes I just feel so overwhelmed on time... I love finding pics or movies I've forgotten I have though. Those are the best little treats!

The Tufts said...

What sweet sentiments! You are such a good mom to write it all down. Don't worry, that empty spot will fill with something else (swelled heart, for example).